I got some of these from my parenting forum, and I thought it would be funny to share. Feel free to add and I will post it here. 🙂

  • sleep is the only think that you can think, obsess and dream about.
  • you think you’re going crazy when you hear screaming even when it’s dead silent in the house.
  • 7 am is considered sleeping in
  • you get excited when you see a poopy diaper
  • you become a complete airhead- there are days you’re surprised you are able to dress yourself (and haven’t gotten into a car accident!).
  • that even months after you’ve had the baby you’re still shedding like a lab
  • you drive to work and don’t remember the drive
  • you are talking to someone and forget what you are saying right in the middle of your conversation
  • you’ve heard crying too and jumped up and ran in the nursery only to find your kid sound asleep
  • you are pumping for milk for the next day and you fall asleep for an hour sitting up in the chair
  • you put the car keys on the side of the car seat while you strap your kid in and then spend 10 minutes trying to find your keys.
  • you’re not quite sure if it’s avocado smeared on your pants from toddler hands or if it’s poo from the newborn…
  • going to the bathroom alone is a luxury.
  • you start prepping dinner when you get up in the morning and work on it here and there throughout the day.
  • you have no idea what is going on in the world but can name 20 different kinds of dinosaurs and/or digging equipment.
  • when you start losing your big people vocabulary
  • when you find rocks in your gym bag and know exactly when they were put there and that you’ll be in BIIIIIG trouble if you get rid of them.
  • you think nothing of eating the soggy remains of an ice cream cone left by your son, when 5 years ago the very idea would gross you out.
  • you find yourself saying things like, “Jackson, no eating your shoes!!!” or “Mommy’s going pee-pee. Do you want to come with?”
  • when you are getting out of the car and check to make sure you have your keys 3 times because you don’t remember checking the 1st time.
  • when you are talking to your child from the bathroom so they won’t start crying.
  • you do silly dances while cooking to entertain your 4 month old.
  • when it’s no longer about you anymore
  • when you give in and let your son get a dog and you ARE NOT an animal lover. (I’ve totally lost my mind)