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Last night we had another “one of those nights.” I don’t know what’s going on with her. For the last 2 weeks or so she will go down for bed very easily, but then wakes up 40 min later and screams and won’t go back to sleep for several hours. If I’m in there, she’s quiet and  wants to play, but as soon as I leave all hell breaks loose. Yesterday she didn’t go to sleep until 11:00pm!!! To some of you it may not sound so bad, but for a kid whose bed time is between 6-7pm, it is VERY late. Since she was refusing to go to sleep I decided that last night was going to be the end to me swaddling her, if she’s not asleep then might as well train her to sleep unswaddled. IT WORKED!!! I know it was only one night, but I’ve been trying to get her to sleep without a swaddle for a little while now – apparently it’s not good for their motor skills. I still swaddle her for nap time, but that’s because she actually sleeps for couple of hours at a time, so it’s no big deal. Eventually I’m going to wean her of that too.

Hmmm, what else can I talk about? Oh, so because I’m a very bored SAHM (stay at home mom), I decided to pick up a couple of books on potty training. I thought I’d educate myself ahead of time, so when the time came I would know what I’m up against. Well, I bought a book on infant potty training and it is very interesting. Basically what you do is follow the baby’s cues and figure out when they eliminate, and then try to get them to the potty so they can do their business there. I thought since I have nothing else to do I might as well try it, it’s not going to hurt anyone, and if she doesn’t like it then I can give it up. So, I took her diaper off and was watching her cues, and Guess What??? She went pee in the potty, twice, and had a big smile about it. I’m excited!!!! Apparently my mom did that with me and I was fully trained by a year and a half. I would love it if by this time next year she would be trained as well. If not, then no, but it would be great.

Ok, have to go make hubby some lunch. Maybe I can get her to use the potty again!!!































Baby Numero 2
