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I got some of these from my parenting forum, and I thought it would be funny to share. Feel free to add and I will post it here. 🙂

  • sleep is the only think that you can think, obsess and dream about.
  • you think you’re going crazy when you hear screaming even when it’s dead silent in the house.
  • 7 am is considered sleeping in
  • you get excited when you see a poopy diaper
  • you become a complete airhead- there are days you’re surprised you are able to dress yourself (and haven’t gotten into a car accident!).
  • that even months after you’ve had the baby you’re still shedding like a lab
  • you drive to work and don’t remember the drive
  • you are talking to someone and forget what you are saying right in the middle of your conversation
  • you’ve heard crying too and jumped up and ran in the nursery only to find your kid sound asleep
  • you are pumping for milk for the next day and you fall asleep for an hour sitting up in the chair
  • you put the car keys on the side of the car seat while you strap your kid in and then spend 10 minutes trying to find your keys.
  • you’re not quite sure if it’s avocado smeared on your pants from toddler hands or if it’s poo from the newborn…
  • going to the bathroom alone is a luxury.
  • you start prepping dinner when you get up in the morning and work on it here and there throughout the day.
  • you have no idea what is going on in the world but can name 20 different kinds of dinosaurs and/or digging equipment.
  • when you start losing your big people vocabulary
  • when you find rocks in your gym bag and know exactly when they were put there and that you’ll be in BIIIIIG trouble if you get rid of them.
  • you think nothing of eating the soggy remains of an ice cream cone left by your son, when 5 years ago the very idea would gross you out.
  • you find yourself saying things like, “Jackson, no eating your shoes!!!” or “Mommy’s going pee-pee. Do you want to come with?”
  • when you are getting out of the car and check to make sure you have your keys 3 times because you don’t remember checking the 1st time.
  • when you are talking to your child from the bathroom so they won’t start crying.
  • you do silly dances while cooking to entertain your 4 month old.
  • when it’s no longer about you anymore
  • when you give in and let your son get a dog and you ARE NOT an animal lover. (I’ve totally lost my mind)

I don’t know what has gotten into this child recently, she is sooo incredibly whiny. She woke up at 6 am this morning, talk about getting up earlier each morning. I do not like mornings, not at all. Yap we had another horrible night and today she was in the worst mood ever. Nothing was pleasing this child. We went out to Abbotsford to ABC restaurant for brunch. Grandma and Grandpa Richert don’t get to see Sophie much seeing as how they don’t live in the Fraser Valley. I was hoping that she would be able to have fun with them, but nooooo, she just whined and complained the whole time. Normally she is very good when it comes to taking her out in public, she usually hardly makes a beep, but today it was a whole new story. I fed her, gave her some finger foods, toys, soother, NOTHING worked. When we got home I thought that maybe she needs a nap but when I tried putting her down she started giggling. Then 10 min later she was back to crying and finally went down for a nappy. 1/2 hour later she was up to whine some more. Little stinker couldn’t figure out  what it is that she wanted. I tried taking her for a walk which she usually loves, but again, more whining. Nap #2 lasted 10 min, and now she is asleep. It’s been 17 min, so we’ll see what happens in the next 15 min or so. I hope she just goes down for the night, I don’t think I can handle anymore whining or screaming today.

I tried checking her teeth, but they’re pretty far down, so I don’t know if that is the cause, and ear infection is already ruled out. Ahhhhh, need some help here. I wish I coud speak baby and know what it is that she wants.

Oh, and another thing that happened today… I think she may be trying to see if she can manipulate mommy. She was happily playing with her jungle gym and as soon as I was walked into the room there was high pitch screeching. Hmmm, so I tried walking in and out 3 more times, and yes she would screech every time that I walked back in. I didn’t know they could do that so young. Weirdo child.

Sophia and Mommy shadow 

Baby Numero 2
