The Sunday that we broke up Brad asked me if I wanted to join him for church. It was an awkward drive there and back, the rain didn’t help it either. That evening I made him dinner and we had our break up talk. I won’t get into the reasons why we broke up, and no it was not because he had a hidden attraction to Brent.

Seeing as how we didn’t date for a long time we remained friends. He took me out for my 19th birthday, which is where my sushi addiction began. We still went for walks and movies, so it was almost like we were dating without the dating title or the exclusivity of it.

Eventually we kind of began to resent one another. We were not working out as friends, as we wanted different things. I was in love with a guy that didn’t love me back. Being the stubborn person that I am I decided that I was going to get what I want. The only problem was that I had no patience what so ever, and that caused a lot of hardships that we had to go through in our relationship.

By January 2003 we no longer spoke to each other. We had a big fight and decided that it was best that we didn’t speak. I temporarily began giving up and decided to move on with my oh so pathetic life. I had a lot of guy friends so it was easy to take my mind off him, as long I was around people I didn’t have to think about Brad. It actually worked really well, we both became interested in other people, pseudo dating other people. Of couse Brad being the possessive overprotective guy that he is didn’t like the idea of me being with someone else. This went on for a while: we fought, kissed, fought, made up, fought some more. A vicious cycle that neither of us could break.

Then rolled around summer of 2004. That summer everything changed. We were actually able to be civil towards each other. There wasn’t much fighting, we were getting along? It was a nice change, something that both of us were anticipating for a while. I stopped being clingy, and he stopped being mean. The arrangement was working out well.

At the end of July 2004 everything was turned upside down and we again were not on speaking terms. This time I thought that I was never going to forgive him for what he did ( I won’t say what it was, because it’s not important). I told Brad that it was all over and if he wanted me it had to be all or nothing. I was sick of doing everything half way. That’s what our relationship was all about for the last 2 years, everything half way, lies, deception, and pain. I knew that it had to stop and so did he. If we were ever going to be “WE” again then it had to be fresh.

We had a long talk at one of the parks we used to go to and decided that if we were meant to be it would happen. He gave me one last kiss and we parted ways.

A few days later I received a text message that he was moving to Edmonton. It felt so impersonal, but that’s what I asked for and that’s what I got……

Some pictures from our second year…

the guys he lived with and a bad picture of us

Brent and Leah before they became uncool