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I wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to email me about my post “back from the dead” and shared their stories. It was really nice to hear that I am not the only one who feels lonely sometimes. I also wanted to clarify some things from that blog. When I said that Brad and I had to make some decisions I did not mean regarding our relationship. I also got a few emails asking if Brad and I were having marital problems, so I just wanted to let everyone know that no we’re not. We’re very happily married and in no way considering breaking up, the decision that I was referring to was whether we’re going to stay in BC or move back to AB. Thank you for caring about us and making sure that we’re ok, and we are, we’re great.

Now that I have clarified that I thought I would talk about Sophie. She is napping right now and I am wishing I could join her. It’s so dark and gloomy outside that all I want to do is climb into my bed with a cup of tea and watch movies all day. Too bad I have responsibilities that I can no longer blow off. I wonder if Sophie would be up for spending the day in bed with me. I tried that once and it didn’t go over too well. She got really upset that she couldn’t go anywhere that I had no choice but to get out of bed and entertain her. Thank goodness for nap time, nap time is mommy’s lazy time.

Sophia has become quite the chatter box recently. She can babble up a storm and sometimes she is really loud. She can repeat mama and when she is angry she screams “ney ney ney.” I was once trying to feed and and she was obviously not hungry and she yelled ney ney mamam and shook her head back and forth. It’s too precious to see her developing her oh so strong personality and watch her try and communicate with us. I never knew such simple things would melt my heart so quickly.

Well it’s almost her wake up time so I better go and set out her toys on the floor and get some snacks ready.Have a good weekend

Sophia eating a honey stick

I love watching all the different stages that Sophia has been going through. I have been doing a lot of reading about what to expect during the toddler years, and some of the books give examples of how a baby may react to something that we. In one of the books I was reading (I forget that name of the book) it said that around the 7 month mark kids tend to get upset when you take an object away from them. I think that’s when they begin to recognize that just because they don’t see it it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. When Sophie was 7 months old she generally did not care if I took things away from her, she would just move on to the next interesting thing around her. Well let me tell you, it’s a whole new ball game now. Dare I take anything away from her that she wants and the screaming and water works come straight out. Like the other day I was sitting on the floor next to her eating some blueberries, she was playing with blocks and the remote control. All of a sudden she spotted the bowl of blueberries and she just had to have it. She scooted on her little bottom to the bowl and started playing with the berries. It was very cute how she investigated a berry, then she threw it our of the bowl, then she put it back in. After she got bored of picking single berries out she threw a bunch of them out onto the carpet and began mushing the rest of them in the bowl. That’s when I took it away because otherwise she would put a bunch of stains on her clothes and on the carpet. Oh man, was she ever angry she it berries were taken away from her. I don’t think she stopped whining until she went down for a nap an hour later. Next time I will know to take them away before she gets her little grabby hands on them.

Here are some pictures of her blueberry party.

Still fairly clean, being nice...

cleaning up……

getting messier….

smushing the berries….

baaaaaa, Mine, give them back!!!!! 


Yesterday I did something that I haven’t done in years, I went to the gym. Yes you heard me, I went to work out. I think I was just as shocked at myself as everyone around me. My body hurts now, but I had a lot of fun there.

Before I was heading there I put Sophia in her exersaucer so that I could get some work done. Somehow she got a hold of a piece of paper and started munching on it. I didn’t think it was a big deal as she loses interest in things pretty quickly. The next thing I see are a bunch of holes in the paper and a huge piece in her mouth. By the time that I got to her she had swallowed that chunk of paper. So much for it not being a big deal, I let my kid eat paper. I guess it really is not that big of a deal, I just have to be more careful now.

Back to my  going to the gym story. I went for a 20/20/20 exercise, which concentrates on butt/thighs/stomach areas. I know that I am skinny and all, but my body doesn’t feel as tight as it did before Sophie so I have to take care of that. I also went to be healthier, as I am incredibly out of shape. It was a good workout, and I wasn’t the only one huffing and puffing by the end, I am proud of myself.

Ohhh Brad is out of the shower, my turn. I love taking showers. Laters……

Sophia by her crib, just after a nap

Baby Numero 2
